Farbenfroher Stadtkern

Knokke-Heist ist ein beliebter Badeort an der belgischen Nordseeküste. Die 12 Kilometer langen Dünen von Zeebrügge nach Knokke ziehen vor allem in den Sommermonaten Besucher aus ganz Belgien sowie Touristen aus dem benachbarten Ausland an. Diese werden seit der Neugestaltung mehrerer öffentlicher Plätze wie des Lichttorenplein, dem Platz vor der Tourist-Information, gebührend empfangen. Urba-Style, ein Unternehmen für die Herstellung von Betonlösungen mit Sitz in Tournai, Belgien, schuf neben einem neuen Bodenbelag auch weitere Elemente, wie den auffälligen Brunnen, aus Architekturbeton. Inspiriert vom Farbstreifen eines Fotofilms wurde dieser mit Produkten von CATHAY INDUSTRIES in allen Farben des Regenbogens koloriert.

Farbenfroher Stadtkern2018-08-20T14:27:27+02:00

Colourful Town Knokke

Knokke-Heist is a popular seaside resort on the Belgian North Sea coast. The 12-kilometre-long dyke from Zeebrugge to Knokke attracts visitors from all over Belgium as well as tourists from neighbouring countries, especially during the summer months. Since the redesign of the Lichttorenplein, the square in front of the tourist information office, and other public places, they are duly received. Urba-Style, a company for the production of concrete solutions based in Tournai, created a new pavement made of architectual concrete alongside with other elements made from the same building material, such as the eye-catching fountain. Inspired by the colour stripe of a photographic film, the concrete was pigmented in a rainbow style using products from CATHAY INDUSTRIES.

Colourful Town Knokke2018-08-09T08:56:06+02:00

Hoover Color EnvironOxide Range

Hoover Color, a division of the CATHAY INDUSTRIES Group, has introduced a new class of transparent iron oxides. Being the result of an environmental restoration effort which involves recovering iron oxide from abandoned mine drainage, the EnvironOxide® products are the world’s first iron oxide pigments produced with such unique manufacturing process. Just like their conventional counterpart, these pigments have high purity and quality, show excellent performance and are even easier to disperse.

Hoover Color EnvironOxide Range2018-04-10T13:04:02+02:00


Leading global inorganic pigments developer and producer CATHAY INDUSTRIES introduces CATHAYTHERM™: a dedicated range of high performance thermostable pigments specifically designed for thermoplastic and thermosetting applications.



Leading global iron oxide pigment manufacturer CATHAY INDUSTRIES introduces CATHAYRED™, a renewed and extended range of precipitated Red Iron Oxide Pigments specifically designed for the paint and coating industries.


Hoover Color and Ecoat

Hoover Color, a division of CATHAY INDUSTRIES, and Ecoat, the French developer of bio-based chemistry for the coatings industry, have started a collaborative project to develop coatings formulations on the basis of environmentally friendly raw materials. In this project Hoover Color holds responsible for the pigments side, whereas Ecoat contributes the binder products.

Hoover Color and Ecoat2018-04-10T13:04:25+02:00

Ausbau Granulat Sortiment

CATHAY INDUSTRIES, einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Eisenoxid-Pigmenten, hat sein Produktportfolio an Granulaten für den europäischen Markt ausgebaut. Zusätzlich zum Standard-Sortiment beinhaltet die CATHAYGRAN Serie jetzt eine Vielzahl an Nuancen für das Einfärben von Baustoffen.

Ausbau Granulat Sortiment2018-04-10T13:04:26+02:00

Report ECS 2017

New CATHAYCOATTM pigments were the highlight at CATHAY INDUSTRIES' stand at the European Coatings Show (ECS) 2017 in Nuremberg: The manufacturer of synthetic iron oxide pigments presented its Yellows YA22HR and YS23HR offering increased heat resistance. Numerous visitors took the opportunity to keep themselves informed about these innovations and CATHAY's other latest developments.

Report ECS 20172018-04-10T13:04:32+02:00

Adjustment of Prices

CATHAY INDUSTRIES GROUP announces a price increase for its iron oxide and natural color pigments portfolio. The adjustment is applied with immediate effect or as contracts allow. Prices are raised by USD 150 per metric ton across all colors and product forms. Customers will be informed individually by the CATHAY INDUSTRIES representatives.

Adjustment of Prices2018-04-10T13:04:37+02:00
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